Some days lately info about the dangers of many outstanding bakery bread because they contain many preservatives. Do not panic! Not all bread is dangerous. Because it is known tips to distinguish the bread contains a lot of preservatives.
Almost all industrial products today do not exist that is free from additives (additional) and preservatives. Both have been used in the food industry, medicine and cosmetics for hundreds of years.
Preservatives is one additive which of course is used to create a product is not easily damaged by disturbance fungi, bacteria or other microbes.
Ir Chandra Irawan, MSI, food chemistry and nutrition experts from the Academy of Chemical Analysts said Bogor, some manufacturers 'naughty' is like entering preservatives such as Calcium and Potassium Bromate Propianate excessively into the bread dough. Preservatives are usually added to make bread more durable and the view is always interesting.
Potassium Bromate (KBrO3) is a bread improver which is usually added to bread and flour, which serves as the developer of bread dough, making bread is stronger and more elastic.
But Potassium Bromate is considered a carcinogen (cancer-triggering) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (Agency for Research on Cancer or IARC), which can be harmful if consumed, as reported by nowpublic, Wednesday (03/02/2011).
A study conducted Kurokawa Y, A Maekawa, M Takahashi and Y Hayashi from the Division of Toxicology, National Institute of Hygienic Sciences, Tokyo, also has found that KBrO3 can induce renal cell tumors, mesotheliomas of the peritoneum, and follicular thyroid tumor cells, such as ncbi.nlm.nih.gov reported.
In theory, the substance of this preservative should come out of bread dough during baking, but if too much is added or if the bread is not cooked long enough or not at temperatures high enough, then the preservative will still remain on the rolls.
"Preservatives that was its function to kill microorganisms. But if preserved inserted unnecessarily, it will be difficult synthesized or degraded by the body, eventually deposited. Well, after a long time can lead to cancer because of his nature karsinoge," said Ir Chandra.
While Calcium Propianate used as a preservative in bread and other baked goods. Preservatives are used to prevent growth of fungi and bacteria. But manufacturers often add this to excess preservative in bread dough.
"Yes but not all manufacturers are like that, so it must be smart to choose," said Ir Chandra.
Here are some ways given Ir Chandra to distinguish the bread that uses excessive preservatives, namely:
1. Period expired bread into very long time than usual
2. Display is very white bread
3. Its texture is soft and chewy, but being a bit hard so that can be durable.
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